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Pink to Orange Gradient

The Embodied Art Studio Sessions

Get your weekly dose of art making in a gentle, trauma informed online group space. Learn about new art materials, techniques, how to use creativity for your mental health and connect with community. No art skills or talent required!

The Embodied Art Studio.
Casual sessions - join in any time.

Reconnect to your creativity, or discover it for the first time and make art for mental health at The Embodied Art Studio. This is a unique online space (Zoom!) where you can explore mark making, play, and creative self expression in a non-judgemental, trauma informed environment.


There is no need to commit to a longer program with the Embodied Art Studio as you can attend sessions every once and a while, or as many times as you like consecutively. Like a yoga class! 


What to expect:


  • 60 minutes per class with an art therapist as your guide.

  • Gently guided, semi-structured art making.

  • Suitable for absolute beginners and people who don't identify as creative - and of course for those who are creative too!

  • No pressure or obligation to share your art or have your camera on.

  • An inclusive space: you are welcome regardless of race, gender, sexuality, size and ability. Oh and absolutely no diet talk!


What you'll get from class:


  • A space to overcome perfectionism (aka fear of making mistakes)

  • Ways to manage your inner critic and empower your inherently creative inner child

  • Learning how to play again and make a mess

  • How to make art for the process rather than the outcome

  • New ways to self-soothe and emotionally regulate

  • A new language to self-express and document life

  • How to gather meaning and analyse your own art to know yourself more deeply

  • And so much more!


Suggested Materials List:


  • Any size paper or art journal you feel comfortable with

  • Colour pencils and markers

  • Oil pastels or soft pastels (or crayons!)

  • Watercolours or any paint you prefer

  • Airdry clay or ceramic clay

  • An assortment of different size paint brushes

  • A water container and paper towel


Some sessions may focus on a particular art material, however that will be clear when you book in the session, otherwise any art materials can be used during session and you don't need to have everything to get started. 




Colorful Pattern
Colorful Pattern
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