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Girl and Cat
Curiosity and compassion

What to expect as a client

- from Ashlee, your therapist

1. Confidentiality and non-judgement


2. Reliability and commitment


3. Evidence-based practices


4. Collaboration and communication


5. Warmth and authenticity



Special interests       


  • Body dissatisfaction 

  • Body dysmorphia

  • Eating disorders/disordered eating

  • Internalised weight stigma/fat phobia

  • Chronic dieting

  • Complex trauma

  • Co-occurring depression, anxiety, panic disorders, health anxiety


       I work from a humanistic, feminist perspective with recognition of the systemic inequalities that face marginalised populations – particularly women, and those who were raised within the female gender role. I value the voices of my clients and see them as the expert of their experience. I consider sociocultural, political and intergenerational impacts that have occurred and how this affects an individual and their current experience. I also recognise that many systems of oppression are still occurring. Whilst this may seem like an impossible mountain to climb, I do believe in human resilience. I aim to help individuals connect with their power, strength and courage to manage, and even thrive in their relationships with themselves, others and the community. 


Evidence-based practice



       Within this framework, I draw upon evidence-based, trauma-informed practices with particular interests in attachment-based therapy, internal family systems (IFS), interpersonal therapy (IPT), focusing-oriented therapy, sensorimotor, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and mindfulness practices adapted for art therapy, and verbal counselling.



Health At Every Size    and Non-Diet approach



       The HAES  and Non-Diet approaches support the definition that health is more than physical  - it's psychological and social. They acknowledge the social determinants of health which impact an individual's health status, ability to access healthcare, and the moralisation of health. These approaches support an individual's wellbeing (physical, psychological, social) aims without contributing to inequalities faced by marginalised populations - particularly related to body size.



      HAES  is commonly misinterpreted as 'healthat every size' - this is incorrect. HAES  advocates that health cannot be determined by looking at someone's body size, all bodies can experience health and ill health subjective to their experience, and that all bodies are entitled to dignity, respect and compassion when receiving healthcare. 



For more information see:



Non-Diet Approach - Health Not Diets 

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